Thank you for creating this "E-Book" for the E-mini's. My retirement account is up 10% over the last 2 months just following the information in your "E-Book". Studying your data, I discovered a way to trade that gives me a very high rate of success.
Keep up the good work.
Yanya T.
About a year ago, I discovered Taylor's Book Method on my own, and I applied the Taylor Trading
Technique to my own analysis for daytrading the e-mini's. Six months ago, I started receiving had
managed on my own. It lays out the probabilities for the next day's price action, often with uncanny
accuracy. I do not daytrade before I consult the e-Book - it is essential to
Sometimes it was hard for me to see where the market might be heading, since EW is not always easy
to apply, as sometimes it gives a 50 % chance. I have to say that I was a bit sceptical about the TTT
method, as it seemed way too complicated. Then I started to receive Richard’s TTT book and decided
to study it and see how I could use it in conjunction with EW analysis. To my great surprise, I am
amazed at how often the projected lows or highs are achieved, and these are very close to EW wave
projected targets that I have. Another useful tool in the TTT book is the odds of making new high or
new low, and at what level. I find that these are very accurate, so it is easier for me now to take
decisions based on these, so I have a better chance of being on the right side of the market.
In a few words Richard’s TTT book made my trading much easier when combined with EW analysis,
as it has increased my winning ratios by 25%.
Laurent P.
I have recently started your free trial and have been impressed with the numbers that we received the
night before on how the market will react close to these resistance or support numbers. I have traded
futures for twenty years and have purchased numerous books,seminars,trading courses but none
comes close to this Taylor Trading Technique. The last few years I have been trading based on market
trades to these areas. Thank you. Tomtrades to these areas. Thank you. Tom
I heard of Taylor through a friend and customer of Rich. He kept bragging that his results had much
improved since he started receiving Rich’s reports. So I decided to subscribe to the service and learn.
The numbers I get every night and the accompanying comments make life much easier for planning
the next day’s trades.
Hi Rich,
I studied the Taylor Method 10 years ago after I had read the George Angell book about his LSS
I never completed my studies on Taylor, but I can plainly see that you have more than done
your homework on the subject.
Your projection numbers for the day session are nothing short of amazing and when used with my
current trading technique has allowed me to virtually buy the low of the day or sell the high of the day.
Imagine my surprise when I went to subscribe and found that you also run the TTT section at
MyPivots site.
Yet another resource I use on a daily basis to fine tune my trading.
Once again, thanks for all your resources.
all kinds of technical analysis i.e RSI, CCI, moving averages, trendlines, support/resistance, channels
etc, however none of these imparted that calm confidence that I desired during execution of a trade in
the futures market in realtime.
This persisted even after studying Wyckoff and VSA, which elaborate and illustrate with hindsight
charts the concept of market manipulation i.e. accumulation, markup, distribution etc, however, in
realtime it proved to be a different ball game.
Then I stumbled on to Taylor’s book, first drawn to the variations adopted by
Linda Raschke and G.Angell, however both were inconsistent with Taylor’s rules for trading each
day of the cycle and hence miss out on the essence of the methodology. Studying the original
material was a hard grind, it was counterintuitive and did not make any sense at all, was about to give
up when luckily I came across your website.
Your concise e-book on Taylor Trading Technique lifted the veil for the first time. This then coupled
with your daily reports(spreadsheet/statistical odds/comments) and projected levels based on Taylors’
s calculations , matching that against the unfolding price action on the daily basis in the markets over
the past 4months has revealed the awesome power of Taylor methodology. It imparted that
clarification which I was seeking and at last I have been able to get my head around what Taylor was
trying to teach on market manipulation via his 3 day cycle method. One really has to admire the insight
Taylor had gained into the workings of the markets.
Now I am armed with comprehensive plan for each day, what setups to focus on, what to look for and
where to look, and find myself concentrating only on relevant plays for the day as per Taylor’s Rules,
ignoring the intraday cross currents without fretting over any missed moves.
If the day turns out be a not so ideal day then Taylor’s rules allows me to reposition and be ready for
the next day i.e I could be selling on a BUY day or buying on a SELL day. With your help this method
has instilled patience, flexibility and confidence and much less stressful way of handling the markets..
Big thank you for your unique service and congratulations for unraveling the mystery and
complexities of Taylor’s methodology.
Chandra Patel,
England, U,K
Dear Richard,
I just want to thank you very much for your great system. Since I subscribed to your system my vision
about the markets has been totally changed. Before using your system, I had many loosing trades . I
tried almost many software available on the market, but concluded all these software are losers, as
they do not provide a vision or a way on how to trade the markets. Your system is working equally
good for all markets/instruments. Now I am successfully using your system for Eminis, FX Futures,
Gold and CL. Before using your system I had just 20 to 30% winning trades, but now my winning ratio
has increased dramaticaly. I would have quit trading if I had not found your service. I can not express
my feeling in words on how it has changed my Life.
Thanks again for making me a successful trader. K.J.
I have subscribed for approximately 10 days and have had 10 winning trades with 1 scratch. The
success - however with OIL WOW OUTSTANDING RESULTS -
Many thanks and I look forward to profitable trading -
Taylor Trading Technique Services
Current Electronic Version of Taylor's 1950 "Book Method"
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Futures and forex trading contains substantial risk and is not for every investor. An investor could potentially lose all or more than the initial investment. Risk capital is money that can be lost without jeopardizing ones’ financial security or life style. Only risk capital should be used for trading and only those with sufficient risk capital should consider trading. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.
Hypothetical performance results have many inherent limitations, some of which are described below. no representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those shown; in fact, there are frequently sharp differences between hypothetical performance results and the actual results subsequently achieved by any particular trading program. One of the limitations of hypothetical performance results is that they are generally prepared with the benefit of hindsight. In addition, hypothetical trading does not involve financial risk, and no hypothetical trading record can completely account for the impact of financial risk of actual trading. for example, the ability to withstand losses or to adhere to a particular trading program in spite of trading losses are material points which can also adversely affect actual trading results. There are numerous other factors related to the markets in general or to the implementation of any specific trading program which cannot be fully accounted for in the preparation of hypothetical performance results and all which can adversely affect trading results.
see Risk Disclosure